Thursday, 25 October 2012

The Gym? No Thanks!

I lack motivation when it comes to the gym. I get a membership and I'm all gung ho for a few weeks and then not surprisingly, I get board. Running or biking on the spot while looking out over a  parking lot or staring at  a  T.V is not my thing. Especially when I'm surrounded by smelly, sweaty people making obscene grunting noises. I'm more of a loner anyway, so being at a gym increases my anxiety rather than reducing it.Overall,  it just doesn't make sense to pay a monthly fee for something that doesn't make me feel as good as it should. However , exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle and I'm not about to use the excuse 'the gym sucks' to get out of it.  Actually, I really like exercising. I like the way I feel after a workout. I like the results I see in the mirror. I even like pushing my body to the limit, when I feel I might just keel over or puke. So how did I solve this problem of loving exercise but not the gym? Easy, I found something I do love. Biking!

Riding my bike is one of my favorite things to do. I ride all over the city running errands. It makes me feel good knowing I'm getting things accomplished all the while keeping my body fit. What's even better though, is riding trails...oh how I love the trails!

 I love the challenge of riding my bike up a big hill and the reward of flying down the other side. I love riding through the trails and being completely surrounded by nature. Splashing through muddy puddles, dodging snakes, squirrels and chipmunks as they slither and scurry across the path. The smell of leaves and pine trees invading my nose and the bright ,beautiful colours of the leaves that cling to the trees and blanket the ground. I love the calmness and mental clarity I feel as all stress and negative thoughts dissipate. It  makes me feel like a  kid, happy and carefree.  Even though these feelings slowly  fade as I make my way back to my apartment,  it's enough to get me out the door the next morning to experience it all over again. And the monthly fee!

Remember, being healthy isn't just about eating right. It's about taking care of our body by moving it! Exercise helps with arthritis, osteoporosis, weight loss, and fights depression. So find an activity you love whether it be running, biking or maybe going to the gym is your thing . Whatever it is, go for it. It'll keep you feeling and looking won't regret it.:)

Here are some pictures (taken from a blackberry) of my time on the trails.

Just me and the trail.
Cool tree cave!

Pretty leaves wrapped around the trunk of a tree. Natures Fall decoration.

Fallen pretty

Can you see the deer? We stared at each other for a good 30 seconds before she ran back into the trees.

I thought she ran into the trees. However when I rode up to where she was, I saw her standing off to the side with her friend. :)


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Spinach vs Kale

Spinach vs kale, which one is better? Honestly, I'm not really sure it's fair to pit these two leafy greens against each other. In all reality if you're consuming either one on a daily basis you're already ahead of the game health wise. However, although they're both loaded with calcium and iron, one is way more bio available than the other. Can you guess which one? I'll give you a hint. Popeye won't be happy. That's right, kale wins on this one...sorry Popeye. How could this be? Well, spinach contains oxalate acid. Oxalate acids are a component of the plant that bind with the calcium and iron inhibiting absorption. So, even though spinach has loads of these minerals, we absorb hardly any of them. Not so great. Kale on the other hand contains oxalate acid, but far less to be an interference. The bio availability of calcium from kale is actually better than milk. This makes it a great option for people who can't or choose not to drink milk. Also, kale has more iron than beef per calorie!

A comparison of the two:

What to do? Eat them both! Although kale is superior in the nutrient department, it's no reason to kick spinach to the curb. After all, spinach still has nutritional benefits.Of the two, kale is perhaps more of an acquired taste due to it's bitterness . However, keeping that in mind, both of these leafy greens make great additions to smoothies and salads.


#1 Other foods that contain high amounts of oxalate acids are:

swiss chard
mustard greens

#2 Oxalate acids in these foods DO NOT interfere with calcium absorption of other foods eaten at the same time.

#3 To increase iron absorption, pair iron rich foods with vitamin C.

#4 Avoid drinking tea just before or after an iron rich meal. The tannins in the tea can inhibit iron absorption.



Saturday, 6 October 2012

For The Love of Squash!!

I don't know about you, but I love Fall! I love the colours, the smells, the crisp air, the anticipation of Halloween and... the SQUASH! There are so many varieties! Butternut, buttercup, acorn, kabocha, spaghetti, turban and pumpkin oh my! What's to love about squash? Well let's see, it's a good source of vitamin A and C, potassium, fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium ,omega 3 fatty acids and protein. It's also low in calories, easy to digest, and super tasty! Seriously, what's not to love?

A recipe!

                                 Spaghetti and Zucchini Squash With Nutritious Tomato Sauce.

Please forgive the quality of the picture. It was taken with my phone.

This recipe consists of both spaghetti squash and zucchini which is a summer squash.

Equipment: food processor or blender or immersion blender.
                 potato peeler or spiralizer


1/2 of a spaghetti squash
1 medium zucchini
I can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
1 package or 1/2 - 3/4 cup fresh chopped basil
1/2 chopped onion
1 cup chopped kale or spinach, frozen or fresh
1 chopped carrrot
1 teaspoon salt
1-2 teaspoons oregano
1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)

What to do:

Preheat oven to 400 F

Spaghetti  squash

Half the spaghetti squash and scoop seeds from one half. The other half can be wrapped up and stored in the fridge. Place face down in an oven safe dish in about an inch of water and place it in the oven for about 45 minutes or until it's tender enough to easily stick a fork through the skin.

Sauce: Two ways to make this. Check out the tips below for the second option.

 Put chopped carrot and kale into the food processor. Process until finely crumbled. Add diced tomatoes,tomato paste, basil, onion, salt and oregano. Process until smooth. Transfer to large pot and simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour. Add sugar if using.


Make zucchini into thin slices using a potato peeler or noodles with a spiralizer.

This is a spiralizer. You can find them on amazon. 

When spaghetti squash is done scoop out the flesh into a bowl. You'll now see where it gets its name! now grab a plate or bowl and add a portion of both squashes and top with the sauce. Yay! A meal with half the calories of regular spaghetti and loaded with nutrition!


#1 Another way to make the sauce would be to throw everything into a large pot and simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. Then transfer it to a blender and puree until smooth or if you own an immersion blender just puree it in the pot.

#2 I've added  broccoli before too and though it was delicious.

#3 Athena ate hers with quinoa and rice noodles mixed with zucchini noodles. She's not big on squash :(


Friday, 5 October 2012

Oh, you eat meat? Aren't you afraid of getting too much protein?

 When is the last time someone you knew got seriously ill or died from lack of protein? Probably never. The truth is we get too much animal protein and too much protein can be a problem. It increases fat and cholesterol. It also has negative effects on cancer growth rates and has been linked to osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for total calories as protein is eight to ten percent. You can easily obtain this by eating a whole foods plant based diet. Personally I'd rather get all my protein from plants and avoid all the potential negative side effects of animal protein.

What about food combining for a complete protein?

You see, our bodies are amazing. As long as you eat a variety of plant based foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and a limited amount of nuts and seeds the body goes to work. It can actually pull the amino acids it needs from each of these foods and use them to form complete proteins throughout the day. No food combining necessary! Basically as long as you're getting enough calories from a variety of plant foods, you'll be getting enough protein. How cool is that?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

An Opinion Followed By A Recipe

Vegan vs plant based what's the difference? Well they're basically the same thing although the reasoning behind the choice may be different. It seems plant based people eat more for their health.They eat whole foods and  limit fat, salt and sugar.  They need to lose weight, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or just simply feel better and more energized by avoiding meat/dairy. Vegans on the other hand have the welfare of the animals in mind. In fact vegans not only avoid meat, but they also avoid wearing anything that come from an animal, avoid using anything that's been tested on animals and avoid zoo's, circuses, aquariums basically anything were animals are used as entertainment. This isn't to say that plant based people don't care about animals, it's just they may not go that extra mile to put the welfare of animals first. And of course there's the healthy vegan and the junk food vegan. what's the difference? Well healthy vegans have there own health and welfare  in mind as well as the animals. Junk food vegans have the welfare of animals in mind but tend to neglect putting their health first. That's right, just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's healthy! French fries, soy or coconut ice cream, veggie burgers (which are far better than regular burgers but can still be high in fat and sodium) are not healthy. The list of vegan junk food goes on and on, after all vegan is becoming more mainstream and companies are jumping on the bandwagon to supply products that mimic the Standard American  Diet (SAD). This is good and  bad. why? Well I believe that being vegan is more compassionate, better for the planet (meat production causes more greenhouse gases than cars)! and is generally healthier.That's the good. The bad? We need more people to go vegan. I really believe the future of animals, people and the planet depend on it, and if we as vegans aren't setting a good example when it come to health we might deter people from it. More vegans are becoming overweight and still run the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. Not a very appealing example to non vegans. I'm not saying vegans should become health fanatics but just more health conscious. Vegan burgers, cheese and ice cream are great for someone transitioning from a SAD but not so good for the long term. I know the welfare of animals is important but remember your health is important too!

How about a simple, healthy vegan dessert recipe?  This one is shared on a lot of vegan blogs. Here is my version of it that's oh so good and guilt free!

                                                   Banana raspberry ice cream!
Not the best picture but it gives you a good idea of how delicious it looks!

 (Kitchen equipment : food processor)


1 frozen banana (take a ripe, spotted banana, peel and chop it and through it in  a container or zip lock and freeze)

1/2 cup frozen raspberries

5-6 drop stevia or a teaspoon or two of maple syrup or completely omit any sweeteners, it's up to you!

A splash of almond milk

A dash of cinnamon (optional)

  What to do:

Put the first three ingredients in the food processor and blend until it's just a little chunky now add your almond milk to really get it moving adding a little bit at a time. Blend until it smooth and enjoy!


#1 I avoid putting the almond milk in first because I find it tends to slosh up and make a mess by seeping through where the lid connects and running down the sides of the processor.

#2  Stevia is a calorie free natural sweetener and can be found at the Bulk Barn or natural health section of Zehrs or the Superstore.

#3 You can totally omit the raspberries and just have banana ice cream and add cocoa or carob power for a chocolatey flavor! 


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

First Post- An Introduction

Hello and welcome to Bananas For Plants! I wanted to create this blog to share with you the benefits of adopting a whole foods plant based diet (WFPBD) otherwise know as a vegan diet. Actually I hate  strongly dislike the word 'diet'. It brings to mind feelings of deprivation, desperation and frustration, none of which I'm particularly fond of. So exit diet and enter lifestyle! I've been vegan for two and a half years, I have a diploma in Advanced Nutrition from the Alive Academy and a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition form eCornell. I'm raising my beautiful, smart, funny, compassionate and wonderfully artistic 11 year old daughter who is also vegan. I have a deep love for all animals and believe we can survive just fine without consuming them. So whether you're already a herbivore, an omnivore, or just veg curious I hope I can help inspire you to make or continue to make healthier and more compassionate choices. Lets all go bananas for plants!